Tampereen teekkarien radiokerho
P.O. BOX 692, 33014
Tampereen yliopisto
Tampere, Finland
QRV 145,375 MHz
& 434,950 (-2,0) MHz
Tel. +358 40 854 7379

Amateur radio course - Autumn 2008


First lecture will take place on ?day ??.??. at ??:??. We will gather to the club room SL403 and then move together to a classroom. The training is planned to take place on ?day evenings at ??:??, but it can be discussed. One lecture will take about two hours. Afterwards we can go to the club room and we might see a demonstration.

Below is a preliminary schedule of the course. Various teachers will be lecturing, all from the radio club.

Date Topics Teachers
??.??. General information on amateur radio, information on the exam. ?
??.??. Connecting components in series and parallel, if needed. Filters. Q value. Electrical safety.
Material: not yet
??.??. Receivers. Transmitters. Transmitting modes.
Material: not yet
??.??. Antennas. Feed lines. Decibel. Standing wave ratio. Balun.
Material: Antennas etc. (PPT) Java applet illustrating standing wave ratio.
??.??. Interference. Measurements. Regulations and working.
Material: Interference and measurements (PDF)
??.??. Time for questions, recap. Exam. No planned lecture, just a last chance to correct mistakes before the exam. ?

Studying material is available at the club room.

We hope that you register for this course to help us to find most suitable class room. The course manager is Jimmy Turunen, OH3FFB, firstname.lastname@tut.fi. Send your questions and registration to him.

If you have problems locating our club room, check our quick how-to on the contact info page.


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Last updated: Saturday, 05-Nov-2011 20:24:07 EET